We found 235 results for your search.

Inside Job

…ntries to benefit the bottom line.  The earnings will go where the CEO directs them to with complete disregard for the country in which it is established.  Financial industries are border-less as well.  They will support the companies in which they can make the most profit regardless of which country it is in. Therefore, why can individuals not think the same way?  If a certain country/citizenship is no longer beneficial why not just switch?  We a…

America Needs Help

…let’s look at something more recent. How about Iraq? Weapons of mass destruction? Oh wait, Iraq didn’t have any weapons of mass destruction which was the reason for the war! Americans have the attention span of a turnip. So when will it be that America starts to hurt its own citizens and the Trump crowd tells everyone who disagrees to leave the country. Oh wait, that has already happened. We’ve treated our citizens of color as second class citizen…

Proof of Human Evolution

…f evolution while it dries itself off, applies deodorant, takes a dump and combs its hair.   Not to be rude and trying to be as genteel as I can, the best evidence lies in the last noun of the previous sentence.  Hair.   When you enter a locker room with an incredibly diverse array of men you will see hair, and a lot of it.  Hair will be in places it shouldn’t be, like on the tops of feet.  There will often be more hair running down the back than…

Leaders, Faith, Affairs and Excitement!

…or politicians.  It may make some news but the politician can still win elections quite easily.  If we look at Sarkozy, he has quite a track record and even divorced one wife while in office! 1.  Marie-Dominique Culioli – Divorced her in 1996 2.  Cécilia Ciganer-Albéniz – Divorced her in 2007 – While in office! 3.  Carla Bruni – He picked up this third wife shortly after trading one supermodel for another. Now it is reported they are cheating on e…

Lord of the Rings and Europe

…ve never seen any real debate about the reality of the film other than certain websites and movies dancing around the subject.  I recently watched a National Geographic movie entitled “The Lord of the Rings – Beyond the Movie.” Although National Geographic always does a good job, I feel that it does not hit to the heart of what Tolkien was trying to express.  This is what I would like to do here. *Side Note:  I never read about Tolkien as a person…