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…ust wore a full Muslim veil? In either case we don’t know what the person actually looks like. 2. Italy, Spain fight anorexia in fashion models by signing new regulations. – I have never understood why being ultra thin is considered beautiful. For me, a full shapely body is beautiful and defines a woman. I did hear an interesting reason though recently as to why fashion models are so thin. The reason given is that most fashion designers are gay an…

More Power to Women

…o qualify as slander. In my eyes, MuslimahMediaWatch tends to focus on and complain about appearance/desirability of how they are portrayed and rather ignore the more interesting questions of accuracy or perspective in the stories that they pick up. There are, nonetheless, also interesting debates such as this one going on. Quotes: Fatemeh responding to Dinah: “Not to get into a religious debate, but the Qur’an stresses personal accountability for

10 More Observations From Big Mike

…ns companies who are your buddies. They are euphemistically called defense companies. b) Perfect Guerrilla Warfare techniques, also observing the psychological effects of a long term campaign. c) Run heroin out of the Golden Triangle, to fund global covert operations, and also to pocket profits. d) And of course, run an anti-populist movement, called an anti-communist movement, in an area that just wanted to be free of imperialists. 3. A good amou…

Categorized as Thoughts

In San Francisco

…they do drugs and they get paid $300 a month by the city to feed their addiction. If you don’t’ give money expect to be called names. 5. To rent an apartment you have to fill out forms and applications, and other bureaucratic crap. It’s just as bad as France! But on the positive side, the city is very clean except for the ghetto that city planners decided to put right in the MIDDLE of the city!!!! Funny how the ghetto is located one block from the…

Move back to the USA?

…e Mexicans with invasion forces coming from Japan, Vietnam, and China who maintain strongholds in certain sections of the city. So maybe California won’t be too bad. On the other hand, I’ve heard there are a lot of egocentric, presumptuous ACTORS out there! If I have to hear a statement like: “Well I think my role in Christina, really portrays our inner journey into the spiritual world and is a metaphor for rediscovery” I swear I’m gonna commit se…