We found 235 results for your search.

Chinese Politics and Wishful Thinking

…tely removed from reality whoever has the time and access to a computer is free to come up with his or her interpretation. Not everyone, however, is content with simply guessing or projecting own values onto the CCP and have instead resorted to science to figure out what the talking heads are on about. The techniques are actually similar to what I encountered back when I was studying classical Japanese at university. Classical Japanese, like Latin…

Japan – Dishonest Government and Pray for Japan FB Page

…ing so. I was surprised to hear not only my mother-in-law but also my wife complain upon watching the news.  The reporter stated that “no immediate effects of radiation would occur.”  Then, there was no follow up, no questions and they went on to the next topic. This fact was not lost on my wife and she said “Well what about 15, or 30 years later?”  Seems like a reasonable question.  But as for the media, no, they are trained to not cause any dish…

All-American Muslim Reality TV Show

…just wish the citizenry would accept that.   Instead, the refrain is “Protecting Freedoms.”  People in the USA want to be free ergo, the USA must go attack other countries.  As I’ve mentioned before, this “Protecting Freedoms” is so surface, so trite, so……. non-thinking.  Why can it not be called out as it is?   a.  America is an Empire and protects its interests regardless of the complexity of this idea called “justice,” or considering what is “f…

The Value of Money

…esired over everything else. Money is that which every other desire can be obtained, this idea, this falsity is ingrained and the idea can very rarely be purged. Perhaps it cannot be purged simply because we are human, and humans need to experience before they believe.  The young child never believes the fire is dangerous until he touches it and is burned. Like fire, money needs to be experienced before one can understand if they can wield it well…

Visiting Spanish Missions in California

…by.   I enjoy all things Spain related as I spent time studying in both Spain and Mexico and became completely enraptured by the culture, history and language that these experiences completely changed the course of my life.  To walk into an ancient church turned mosque reconfigured back into a church in Toledo Spain it is almost as though you can feel the history, like humidity enveloping your body, is truly a mystical experience; if one sits qui…