The truth about California Missions. Just as bad as Canadian Residential Schools

My own post about this from 2015. “Within the missions is a terrible truth — that they were little more than concentration camps where California’s Indians were beaten, whipped, maimed, burned, tortured and virtually exterminated by the friars.The California Indians did have a culture, but they never got a chance to contribute it to…… Continue reading The truth about California Missions. Just as bad as Canadian Residential Schools

Time Life Books – The Trailblazers

I fly quite a bit between San Francisco and Columbus, Ohio. Everytime I do I’m fascinated by the vastness of the country and amazed at how quickly non-Native people spread and populated the land. I think about how the Pilgrims arrived in 1620 and how everything to the west of the Atlantic shore was terra…… Continue reading Time Life Books – The Trailblazers

The Spanish West – Time Life Books

The more I travel and learn the more I realize people of every nation do not know their own history. It is not necessarily their own fault but that of the elementary and secondary schools which teach a ‘happy’ and patriotic version while diminishing or completely ignoring anything which could paint the country in a…… Continue reading The Spanish West – Time Life Books

The Domestic Terrorist Insurrection

I write this as America remains in shock of disbelief at what has been described as first a protest, then a riot, but in reality was a domestic coup attempt by domestic terrorists. The media is having a hard time using that word terrorists as the criminals were not brown or black but almost all…… Continue reading The Domestic Terrorist Insurrection

Three Images that Define Trump’s America

This is a post I really did not want to write. I even had trouble coming up with the title and if I should choose “Trump’s America” or just “America.” I went with the former because I believe there is still a lot of good in America and Americans, but there is a sickness and…… Continue reading Three Images that Define Trump’s America