We found 235 results for your search.

Nuclear North Korea. Positioning by China, Japan, Korea

…ve steps on UN’s behalf has been one of stalling or preventing. China has actively opposed any and all sanctions or even harsh language against countries like Iran or Sudan. Now that China’s own ass and interests are on the line. Will they change their attitude? Will they agree to sanctions? My guess is that they will agree to token sanctions. China still has to weigh the alternatives of a nuclear Korean peninsula and an actual collapse of the Nor…

The Missing Culprits

…led plane crash in Pennsylvania appears to be a prepared crater, where an actual airliner was shot down to provided the debris, but missed the mark. This is still a little fuzzy. Now at this point, if you are ready to kick my teeth out, to teach me a lesson, please answer this question first: If this was really the work of terrorist, how did they coerce to United State into running about 46 military war games/disaster exercises around the same tim…

Information Overload and The Art of Forgetfulness

…articles provide no real learning.  The reason for this is that news/entertainment companies are under constant pressure to come up with new content.  Every single day there must be something new to report.  What we get is a “this happened here” such as with USA Today.  If you read a bit further with good magazines like the Economist you may be able to dig a bit further.  But even magazines like the Economist only scratch the surface.   So what wo…

I have a problem with nationalism

…c western countries. Get passionate about human rights in general, not selective sympathy and cause based on these arbitrary borders some dudes (because they are always dudes) drawn centuries ago. Get passionate about the way the Rohingyas are treated by the Burmese (yes, my race, the supposedly-peace-loving Buddhists) and how very few people – not even most of the exile pro-democracy forces – actually talk about it. Get passionate about how the U…