We found 215 results for your search.

From Study to Work for Study Abroad Students

…eating it too.”  I was very fortunate to land a job with (an international company) and absolutely adored that position.  However, the timing was unfortunate as many companies are struggling and I saw no real way to “climb the ladder” and land a bigger paycheck.  So with a very heavy heart I left that company.  (but would gladly return if they ever get back on their feet!) I then took a job with an industrial supplies company that does have a very…

Greatest Criminal Mind Ever – Mateo

…rs, the traffic was quite backed up. After about ten minutes of waiting he comes to my window and asks for my drivers license. I pull out my wallet only to discover I do not seem to have my drivers license. I search pretty thoroughly only to confirm this fact. The officer only waits about 5 seconds, tells me to keep looking and goes on to the other vehicles. At this point, I am a bit confused since in my three years of living here: 1. I have never…

Saigon Stories

…it for the past 4 months. The other day HP2 had disappeared so I call the computer company in the same building who takes care of the computer problems. They are notoriously bad though and manage to break things more than they fix them. So anyway, I ask them where HP2 has gone and they tell me it’s only for the floor below me. I said I used it before and they tell me I cannot use it in our office room. So I take my laptop down to the lower floor…

A View of Life Through Central Asia

…wheel of power continually spins with one dictator replacing another each completely corrupt all while the people muddle through it and life goes on. In the USA we engage in wars for profits and become entangled with these dictators as we need something from them. For the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan it was the need for military bases from which to launch assaults and so the USA engaged in this dance although at times becoming upset with our part…

Cambodia Trip

…ng met in Vietnam and both Axel and I had met once. Almost everything that comes out of his mouth is some comment about sex. Bret also loves hookers. Axel and I had met him at different times but were able to verify it was the same guy by his non-stop sex lines. He was in Cambodia for “tourism” and Phuong had somehow figured this out and invited him to meet up with us. We told Michael that he would not stop the sex lines and to be ready. I sat wit…