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Japan – Dishonest Government and Pray for Japan FB Page

…our true opinion should it cause “disharmony.” You might wonder where this comes from.  Well, from my studies I believe it comes from the fact that they have very little arable land.  Therefore, throughout their history many people had to cram into relatively small spaces and in order to avoid conflict their culture became one where “harmony” was most important. That is why you are not seeing riots, looting and so on.  If this disaster had happene…

The Economy: San Francisco, Japan, Ho Chi Minh City

…nd usually do not return until 8 or 9 at night.   The only way out is to become a “Freeter” (フリーター) which is a combination of the English word “Free” and the German word “Arbeit” which means work.  These people do not want to join the soul sucking world of the Salaryman so simply work a lot of part time jobs.   One trick the Japanese (and Americans) are starting to employ is simply hiring workers on contracts.  This means they do not have to pay y…


…body but myself, my fish and the lure of the internet.  You see, I’ve just come back from Japan.  While there I had to make a decision.  We were visiting my parents-in-law with my young son.  The great grandmother lives in Tochigi Prefecture which is just below Fukushima. The decision was mine to go and I did my research.  Never in my life would I have thought that I would have to make a decision concerning radiation.  The choice also involved my…

Consciousness and Emotional Intelligence

…the mental programming they received in their early years.  To truly be a free thinker is a difficult and uncommon thing indeed! In regards to emotional intelligence I’ve recently realized that most people are not good at this at all!  Perhaps I am being too harsh as it seems to be a skill and thus would take practice.  Being a sales person I have plenty of practice at this as I must do it daily.  But I do believe it is something I’ve always been…

Visiting Spanish Missions in California

…Spain related as I spent time studying in both Spain and Mexico and became completely enraptured by the culture, history and language that these experiences completely changed the course of my life.  To walk into an ancient church turned mosque reconfigured back into a church in Toledo Spain it is almost as though you can feel the history, like humidity enveloping your body, is truly a mystical experience; if one sits quietly you can almost hear w…