We found 215 results for your search.

Graveyards and The Meaning of Life

…e no one there to tend it?  They must have lived nearby and been part of a community.  Perhaps their community was small  and disappeared completely or was swallowed as Killarney expanded?  I wondered to myself where their descendants might have gone.  Did they even remember that their ancestors were buried here?  How could an entire graveyard be forgotten about?  Did it have something to do with the potato famine and mass migration to other count…

A Parody of the Media

…ll be rainy. c.) Thursday will be hot again. d.) Tune in at 6:00 for the latest on the weather. e.) “Quiet Communities Count on Blasts of Noise to Scare Crows” (A real headline) – Realize the communities are longer quiet and are investigating into the cause of the mysterious noise. f.) Evangelical from World Harvest Resurrection Hope of the Savior wants all Muslims to quit being silly and convert. 6. San Francisco News a.) Gay people still really…

Muslims and Christians

…sophisticated debate in which they can engage. In fact, travelers often become more confused and instead of getting closer to the truth, it becomes much farther away. And when they hear such one sided debate and bias from otherwise intelligent people and these ideas spread to the general population, it becomes very depressing and there is a sense of being alone. There is so much lip service paid to “having an open mind” but actually having one is…

Eavesdropping in America

…stable society. If one law is broken by leaders, then all the other laws become less stable since the example has been set that laws need not be followed. Living abroad and visiting more than a few dubious countries has taught me to always look at the big picture. No doubt the lawyers, politicians and so on are getting lost in the details of this issue and it is very easy to drown in the legal technicalities of either side. So as a normal, average…

Categorized as U.S.A

News of the Week – Middle East, Tea Party, Wisconsin, Pig Pen, Goths, Marketing and Relationships

…ve a dictator fall who is friendly to the USA. What is all this talk about freedom one minute, then when people in other countries actually push for it, they are for the opposite?  It is hard to find any reason with these morons. Well, perhaps I can at least take a guess. As I wrote before, America is an empire. Many in the empire believe they should tell the rest of the world how to do things. Any leader will do so long as he/she listens to the U…