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The Sky is Falling

…all with the tide. In fact, I believe it was Thomas Moore who said “A rising tide lifts all boats.” I wonder when the tide will come back in or if we are all going to have to scramble for a while. The only conclusion I can come to is to simply enjoy life and being alive and let things come as they may. Try not to think about what the future holds as we are in turbulent waters but instead to simply enjoy the ride. Share this: Twitter Reddit…

Too many hungry people in the world

…sis in the past four years have pushed domestic food prices which remained high, it says. For example, rice is now 35 percent and 62 percent more expensive in Cambodia and Thailand compared to before the crisis. South Asia makes up the bulk of the 640 million hungry in Asia. There are many reasons as to why people are hungry and it isn’t always because there isn’t enough food being produced. In many places, it’s a matter of not having access to fo…

The Book of Kells

…you can learn when you start to study history and how interesting things become. I could go off like I usually do about how we are all interconnected, peace, love and all that but I won’t do that to you with this post. πŸ˜‰ Ireland used to be a pagan society and I have to admit I must learn so much more about the ancient religions but believe it has something to do with Druids, the Sun and so on.  Then St. Patrick comes along, chases all the snakes o…

Right vs. Left – Being Civil

…would be a good opportunity to try to tone down all the hate that has been coming almost completely from the Right.  That does not serve the nation at all. It would be better to have calm, rational debates from both sides and dispense with all the emotional garbage and trying to make people as angry as possible.  But I guess the Right feels that convincing people to hate is the way to win elections and that winning at all costs is more important t…

Question Everything: Jews, Circumcision and Netflix

…f traditions in all faiths and from my studies of history and travels I’ve come to think that all these traditions were just made up over time for certain reasons. For example, many religious folk are not supposed to eat pork.  As I researched, I learned that it may have been because if this food is not cooked properly then there is a high chance of getting worms or some other nasty parasite in you.  Thus, this safeguard learned over time eventual…