We found 248 results for your search.

Asian Invasion!

…y comment section ever opened to the public there is a 95% chance that the comments will become infinitely more stupid until critical mass is hit and the stupidity cannot be stopped.  I mean, it always works in that direction, as I have never seen a comment section become infinitely more intelligent,,,, not ever.  It must be a law of physics; once stupidity is set in motion, it cannot be stopped. It is similar to throwing a stone in the lake.  All…

Considering the Human

…s which they don’t need.  We’re not smart enough to control what AI will become, the chase for profits have blinded the reality that it will probably be our destruction. It is depressing to see humanity from this viewpoint.  What were once romantic love stories that fill the breast with passion become nothing more than a dog humping a person’s leg.  The daily hum of activity nothing more than bacteria moving around under a microscope.  Thriller mo…

Random Thoughts – Internet

…create paralysis and I find myself sticking to the same sites that I’ve become comfortable with. Now the amount of sites are around 60 or so and even if I Google a random topic I always look for the same URLs’ that I trust:  Wikipedia, Yahoo, How stuff works, TED, News sites, FB, and so on. I feel that I could probably add to my personal favorite websites if I hung out with some High School kids for a day or two, but then again, I’ve become old a…