We found 248 results for your search.

America and Religion

…?  The answer to that is probably a resounding no, or a very weak yes. For example, if we compare Evangelicals and Catholics, I’m certain that Catholics would feel superior due to the authority of the Roman Catholic Church and the Evangelicals would think the Catholics to be mindless sheep who really do not feel passion when worshiping God. The Catholics would look at the Evangelical and believe them to be in complete disarray with no direction, s…

America is more of a business than a country

…f benefits?   Yes, the land is beautiful and prosperous but the prosperity comes from companies and companies will hire who they want regardless of national borders.  So isn’t it better to work for a really great company more so than it is to be a citizen of a certain country?  Currently, the best path to saying in the USA is becoming a citizen, or marrying one but what if we took things a step forward and just privatized who can become a citizen?…

Astrological Signs and Blood Types

…n fact, it shares quite a few characteristics with the Gemini! Here is the complete list provided by Issendai.com ———————————– Every Japanese celebrity writeup and every anime character description with any claim to authority gives the person’s (or character’s) blood type. Why? Because, thanks to a remarkable bit of Science! by a gentleman named Furukawa Takeji, the Japanese believe that a person’s blood type affects their personality. Each blood…

The Saga of the Vietnam Work Visa

…you are doing. The company should take care of this so just find the right company. 2. Obtain a criminal background check from your local sherrif’s office. 3. Have this document notorized. 4. Have this document confirmed and stamped by the clerk of courts. (1) This document is stamped and proved as valid by the higher authority. 4. Repeat the previous step (1) by the State Department of your state. 5. Repeat step (1) by the Department of the State…

Time Life Books – The Trailblazers

…ominous sound as the Spaniards are very anti-Islam. Mateo de Colón https://www.mateodecolon.com/2010/09/interconnection-muslims-mexicans-california-and-conquistadors/ Lewis was asked particularly to determine, if possible, any affinities between Indian religions and Judaism – since it was believed by some people that American Indians might actually be the descendants of lost tribes of wandering Jews. At first blush the modern reader wouldn’t know…