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James P. Cain misunderstands lessons from American history

…t in American history the Americans decided that it was more important to maintain a “stable, harmonious and diverse society”. (BTW, Chinese leader Hu Jintao uses the term “stable and harmonious society” in the same way as Cain does here: as an excuse to clamp down on criticism) James P. Cain says that America has to some extent “compromised the faith in freedom of speech and a free press in favour of respect, order and security in society. If tha…

Categorized as Europe Tagged

Saudi norms make way into Holland

…This is exactly what Dutch prosecutors said in June when they rejected the complaints against Mr. Wilders. “That comments are hurtful and offensive for a large number of Muslims does not mean that they are punishable,” the prosecutors said in a statement. “Freedom of expression fulfills an essential role in public debate in a democratic society. That means that offensive comments can be made in a political debate.” The court yesterday overruled th…

Vietnam – An American complex

…etnamese points of view.  If there are any academics out there please feel free to correct if I’m in error. A Quick History Lesson – With things most likely not taught until university… – The French were in Vietnam for quite a long time.  Colonialism is when a stronger country takes over a weaker country and uses the resources and population for their own benefit.  Some Vietnamese do well by this but I would say a large majority resent being subju…

My love-hate relationship with Japan

…pposed to be forgotten and not spoken about but the wise man will take the complaints from the night before into account and learn from them. In situations involving alcohol, acting out is often both expected and encouraged as a way to bond with your peers. Compare that to Denmark where changing personality after drinking a beer is only rarely seen as an invitation to bond. More likely it is seen as a sign that the person either already is or shou…

America and Religion

…radition of replacing old religions with the Christian teaching we cannot fail to examine this one.  It seems Christ wasn’t the only one to rise from the dead. 6. Language The language of Christianity has been refined over many centuries.  If we were to truly understand, then we would have to study Aramaic which was the language of Jesus.  But instead, most of us only have English to go on and therefore that is what we use. One aspect that has alw…