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What Defines Nationality?

…oad now for about 6 years and have found that I can fit into society quite easily in Spain, France and even Mexico, but the Asian countries will always see me as a foreigner. I try very hard to adapt their local customs and learn the language which is my passion but will always be treated as an outsider, or if I speak the language, than a novelty. As the website “Japan – A Primer of Newcomers” states: when a white person speaks the Asian language…

What I read last week:- the dangers of calling it ‘bullying’, what phosphate ban says about tea-party politics and others

…a friend of mine who covered the devastating Pakistan floods. Hear the impact from the victims first hand. Caution – pretty heart-wrenching stuff Stop Calling it Bullying The author says the first step to tackle this is to stop calling it ‘Bullying’. He says, “Bullying is an flaccid, outdated, archies comic-era term. It’s so quaint and toothless — like saying DeNiro bullied Nick Nolte’s family in Cape Fear…. or saying the Khmer Rouge was ‘Peevish….

Fruitvale Station Shooting

…e In light of the violence (the fight and the shooting) I must point out again that in the hopes of correcting many Americans views about the rest of the world that I felt much safer in SE Asia/Japan. I had no fear of being out late at night in Saigon and Cambodia, but here can sense the danger is much greater. To make my point very clear, aside from the violence on BART, the owner of Sushi-Man restaurant which is four doors down from me was murde…

Human Evolution – A Long Way to Go

…to be educated and that our reasoning is correct, but we have the same outcomes over and over again.  It all boils down to “We must go kill those people for reasons x, y and z.”   I try to find one example where the reasoning must have been justified and the only one that even comes close is World War II.  But then I have to stop myself because the Nazi party also had brains, they also had logic and reasons why they believed they should go kill o…

San Francisco City Life

…his staff member. Apparently I had won but am wondering if this chick will come up to me again. If this happens then my strategy is to have a sit down discussion with her and the manager to sort this thing out. I am amazed by my capacity to resolve a dispute while keeping my emotions under control. Sure, I would like to express that “this bitch is pissing me off,” but realize that in order to win I simply have to outsmart them and use reason to ge…