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Internet Addict

…h connects me to the entirety of all human knowledge and the heartbeat of daily human activity!!! I’m not sure which analogy works best in order to describe it but I’ve narrowed the field to two. The first is the Predator in which the alien has the device on his arm which tells him whatever he wants to know. The second is the Matrix where any program can be loaded such as the karate program and in a few seconds Neo says “Woah, I know Karate.” In t…

A Letter to my Foreign Friends (Living in Distant Lands) Warning: Politics involved!

…ause Obama won the election. Ever since he took office it has been one big complain-fest. Yea, I know, Obama promised to stop having America fight all these wars that were unfunded and yea, it was in the Bush presidency in which our national deficit killed the surplus that Clinton created but Obama can’t really fix all the destruction Bush caused in just under a year you know. The problem is that everyone expected him to and the Republicans are re…

A Wapanese?

…I had never even paid attention to Asian girls before until one specific act. I was waiting for her to come from Lyon at the train station, and this little Asian girl gets off carrying a friggin TV! I asked, “What in the heck are you doing with a TV????” She said “You not have TV, so I bring you one.” I realized that for her to bring me the t.v. she had to physically carry it from the dorm to the subway, through the maze that is Lyon’s metro and

Ebola Virus – Kent Brantly and God

…help people.   In his speech this morning he gave much praise to God and said his recovery is directly related to God’s intervention as a result from all the prayers.   I found it curious that a doctor would thank God for a cure more so than the drugs and treatment so I looked up the organization he works for and it is called Samaritans Purse which of course is a Christian organization.  I’m not very familiar with them but for any group that goes…

The World Is Changing: Trump, COVID, Crypto and the Internet.

…tment and even stake/delegate coins. Next up is to learn more about blockchain websites such as Steemit and blockchain games like Decentraland. Like any new technology it has powerful detractors such as Janet Yellen Secretary of the Treasury or Dr. Doom a pessimistic economist. If there is one thing I’ve learned, especially with the Trump fiasco, is that just because someone is very smart in one thing it does not make them smart in *all things*. B…