We found 235 results for your search.

Tropic Thunder

…here were not protests about making comedy out of such a tragic and sad affair. I’m completely baffled as to how the entire American public has not called attention to this grossly insensitive film. Has America forgotten the pain that both nations suffered during this conflict? How can people go to see this movie and laugh??!!!!!!! Having lived in America (again) for the past two years I have again integrated into the society. But shit like this b…

The Great Hate

…irst thing we must decide is who will be our patron.  All holidays have a main character; Christmas has Santa, Valentine’s Day has St. Valentine, Easter has the Easter Bunny, so which character would be a perfect fit for hatred? At first thought, one might say Hitler but as he is already mentioned enough by Fox News and Co, and has become overused and cliché.  Satan perhaps? No, Satan is a bit too much.  As this will be a new American holiday it w…

Global Citizens – Understanding Ourselves

…ly monitor the movements of one’s own mind and correct for biases and shortcomings. Again, something I have written about before in my post Mind Control.  Simply reading the title it might sound a bit outlandish.  Yet, it sounds outlandish because it is not something we focus on in our culture.  Instead, it would seem we focus on the exact opposite. Our media, our daily interactions are all filtered towards things we already believe.  When we hear…

Showtime for Turkey

…e what different and strengthened position vis-a-vis Islamism Turkey could obtain by becoming a member of EU. Besides, the union is already heavily weighed down by too many countries wanting it their way. EU is incapable of acting in unison against anything on the world stage. Russia routinely plays EU member against member to get an edge in negotiations. And then we haven’t even touched on the massive security issues, historic hatred and cultural…

Did the WSJ get an idea from The Global Citizen?

Did the Wall Street Journal obtain an idea from The Global Citizen? I always love when a respected publication confirms what I have always believed.  I was very enthusiastic to read the WSJ article entitled: “Lost in Translation“ “New cognitive research suggests that language profoundly influences the way people see the world; a different sense of blame in Japanese and Spanish” The WSJ article puts forth the same idea on July 24th, 2010 that The…