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What is Marriage? – A Unique Perspective

…ly this: the priest had formulated, once and for all time and with the strictest meticulousness, what tithes were to be paid to him, from the largest to the smallest (–not forgetting the most appetizing cuts of meat, for the priest is a great consumer of beefsteaks); in brief, he let it be known just what he wanted, what “the will of God” was…. From this time forward things were so arranged that the priest became indispensable everywhere; at all t…

Great Immigration Debate

…ed to work on perhaps a guest worker program where the visas are easier to obtain but last a short amount of time.  Then there would be the issue of actually enforcing these visas or create some way for them to be renewed which are not burdensome to the employers and employees. Currently, the USA already has millions of immigrants in the country which came during the economic boom period for reasons previously described.  We have to come up with a…

Sarah Palin – America’s own Jean-Marie Le Pen?

…tant for a variety of reasons with one of the most important being to protect against terrorism.  Yet, this fear of terrorism is a scapegoat, the real reason is simply that too many have crossed over and certain um,,(non-mexican shall we say) residents are getting anxious.  They are just too politically correct to state what the real fear is unlike Le Pen and use covers like “illegality”  when people have been crossing the border both ways since t…

Japan’s political opposition

…n’t find stable work. Koizumi has given managers, the trustees of capital, complete freedom on the basis that it is what America has done, and that Japan must create an American-type society. I’ve been to the United States on several occasions, and I believe that such a perception of the U.S. is mistaken. The U.S. has a somewhat better situation: Labor unions there are more powerful; there is a sense of humanism.” This is exactly the point of the…

Categorized as Japan Tagged

Things I Do Not Understand

…was employ simple catch phrases such as 1.  “On the wrong track” 2.  “Protect Freedoms” 3. “Support Troops”  – For a war they started.  Much better to support troops by bringing them back home.   4. “The American People ___________”   (Enter any type of nonsense you wish) So in conclusion, it would seem like the Republicans are my metaphorical chocolate eaters.  No matter what happens or how sick they become of chocolate, the chocolate eaters will…