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Credit Cards – Some Advice for my loyal readers

…r card holders in the USA, I don’t know how all of your other banks/credit companies work. Feel free to take a glimpse at this article, but ONLY A GLIMPSE!!!!  You don’t have to understand anything in it, I will give you a quick explanation below on how to win the credit card game. Choosing the Best Credit Card – New York Times Now that you had your glimpse, wasn’t that confusing as all hell?  Let me simplify things for you. 1.  You want CASH!    …

Gay Marriage, Israel and Gaza and Christmas Movies

…ch is very close to the rights of married couples. I’m not sure on all the details but to me it seems that it is simply a change in the word used to define a couple who have made their relationship permanent and public. Religion on the other hand comes in all shapes and sizes and spans every nation. Most religious leaders will not condone gay marriage. However, if a gay person does not belong to a religion that does not condone gay marriage then w…

10 Minutes of Ruminations

…h the social norms. As Mr. Smith put it in the movie “The Matrix,” I’ve “become unplugged, out of the network” if you will. Therefore, I have the freedom to write things such as this because I have no fear of unpleasantness or disagreement with my social network. People who want to agree or disagree remain simply updates and pictures on a computer. 5. Rush Limbaugh – For amusement, I find myself listening to Rush Limbaugh quite often in the mornin…

Half a second in the Empire

…e bachelor and yes who won the NH primary.  Politics in this country has become the equivalent of a puppet show.  On the Right, war has also become entertainment.   In the past, such as with WW11 war was something that the entire nation was involved in and was necessary.  Now, it is which country we can dominate today and which humans a drone has destroyed today.   The citizens have no idea what it would be like to be fearful of a drone attack by…

Terrorists, Refugees and Love

…erse ready. “‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than this.” If religion isn’t your thing then I’d like to offer a wonderful verse from the Black Eyed Peas. “But if you only have love for your own race Then you only leave space to discriminate And to discriminate only generates hate And when you hate then you’re bound to get irate, yeah Madness is what you demonstrate And that’s exactly how anger works…