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End the Obama Hysteria!

Foreign policy is driven by events. I predict that some serious event will come along and test Obama’s resolve and backbone. Having to deal with the threat of being portrayed as weak by his critics in the US he will opt for a tough military response. This will strengthen him internally but the enemies of the West will be confirmed that nothing has changed. Besides, who in their right mind actually believes that just because Obama is president, Ira…

Thoughts running through my head

…er cologne. Races are now mixing here as shown here in SF and Asians can become complete Americans, but usually cannot do so without losing most of their former heritage. They become in effect, Asian in appearance only. They get a rough course in this when returning back to Asia and figure out they fit in about as much as any American from any background. On a lighter note, I had to tell my close Asian friends that now that we are in America, we w…

Culture Shock

…” they simply want to drop off the item, get your signature and go.  I did complain about this to Comcast and ‘lo and behold the next month they ran a commercial about how they will respect your house and wear booties or even take off shoes!  I would like to think that my message to them caused this change and I half believe it did! I cannot express how unhappy I become with my “culture” when some idiot just wants to trample into your clean house…

A Passion Reawakened

…learned other languages can understand.  Those experiences changed my life completely.  But that was over 12 years ago, my life has changed dramatically and I had become a husband and father.  I no longer was exposed to such experiences and over the years lost that passion. Well, things have changed for me and I have a plan.  At 41 years old and being a family man you have certain responsibilities and these responsibilities become your life.  But…

America – the ‘we’ illusion

…ng benefits away saying we should just be productive and get them from the companies and the companies are squeezing their workers to the bone by offering less and less for more work. In this environment and if you’re not the 1% who gets those top management jobs the only way to move up is to switch jobs. This is easily seen by what Millenials do. They know full well there is no ‘loyalty’ in a company. You just do a good job after which you’ll be…