We found 215 results for your search.

The New York Times and The Economist

…goes: 1. Paul writes an economic article – Usually that the apocalypse is coming. 2. The Economist, not liking their turf to be tread upon, tells Paul he is wrong. 3. Repeat. I was aware of the recent spat but doing a quick search, the first article I came upon was from 2008:  Krugman’s conundrum. Recently, things have gotten ugly. 1. The Times – “I’m Gonna Haul Out The Next Guy Who Calls Me ‘Crude’ And Punch Him In The Kisser,” – Paul Krugman Th…

A Night in Saigon – Debate at a Bar

…t system in the United States. It was interesting to find that as they can search houses here and we think of it as “Communism,” the same thing happens in the USA, especially in minority neighborhoods. I guess the pretext is finding “illegal aliens,” but they could say that here as well since some foreigners have not registered their guests/residents in their house properly. So we foreigners tend to think of this as “Communism” but it’s not really…


…mply too difficult to imagine that any one person or group could have such complete control.  CEOs of major companies have a hard enough time as it is simply controlling their empires.  The pieces move to quickly and one would think that a secret this big couldn’t be kept for long.  Unless of course the secret is already out there but most just refuse to believe it? Aren’t conspiracy theories fun! UPDATE 5.9.2010 –  Well I’ll be danged.  There is…

Asian Prostitute and Being Human

…they have some experience in the flesh trade.  Thus when should the topic come up, they have absolutely nothing to say at all. Or perhaps they simply believe this is a topic best swept under the rug, to be ignored because it may make others uncomfortable including themselves or it might tainted the image they believe others hold of them? Thus, are most people just putting on a show in their daily interactions?  Or perhaps topics like these are on…

Showtime for Turkey

…e what different and strengthened position vis-a-vis Islamism Turkey could obtain by becoming a member of EU. Besides, the union is already heavily weighed down by too many countries wanting it their way. EU is incapable of acting in unison against anything on the world stage. Russia routinely plays EU member against member to get an edge in negotiations. And then we haven’t even touched on the massive security issues, historic hatred and cultural…