Every morning right after I open my eyes and before I get out of bed I grab my Iphone. I check my work mail, then go straight to the news. For the news, I go to Facebook which being so much more than just the social network of a few years ago is now my…… Continue reading What’s in a Headline? – Obama, Libya and Pundits
Author: Mateo de Colón
Global Citizen! こんにちは!僕の名前はマットです. Es decir soy Mateo. Aussi, je m'appelle Mathieu. Likes: Languages, Cultures, Computers, History, being Alive! (^.^)/
Japanese Internment, Asians, Integration and Muslim Congressional Hearings
Selecting my usual nightly Netflix documentary I came across this documentary and I couldn’t help but draw a few parallels even though they are currently not as severe. This is a documentary about the Japanese/American internment during WWII. It is a dark period of US history that most people are not very familiar with. In…… Continue reading Japanese Internment, Asians, Integration and Muslim Congressional Hearings
Japan, Reactor child explanation, Self Defense Force and Kanji
Just saw this making the rounds on Facebook. Here is the video with explanation. I also have some other things I’d like to point out down below. https://youtu.be/O1aH2-MhEko From the pictures pretty self explanatory.. but here you go. “Genpatsu-Kun” – Name given to character of Japanese reactor: GenPatsu = Source of radiation — Kun =…… Continue reading Japan, Reactor child explanation, Self Defense Force and Kanji
Japan – Dishonest Government and Pray for Japan FB Page
This is probably more of a thing for the forum but thought I would make it a post to grab more attention. Just wanted to make a few points. 1. Japan Government Not Honest – I made the point in the forum a while back that the Japanese Government was not being very honest with…… Continue reading Japan – Dishonest Government and Pray for Japan FB Page
Woke up this morning to the news story about a bully getting what he justly deserved. I was incensed to see that the victim also got suspended and so I got up rather early for a Saturday and wanted to write this post. https://youtu.be/yqQ9l-HQpHY Ok, quick analysis on this. Why does the bully terrorize Casey?…… Continue reading Casey THE PUNISHER