We found 235 results for your search.

Twenty Years Since 9/11 – Wars and Lies – Current State and Thoughts of the Future.

…nued study of language helps loosen the vice of information. The final aspect is freedom to live in other countries and I’ll keep a pulse on that. I hope for a future where the individual is smart enough and has the ability to control all of the things I have mentioned. Otherwise we will continue to respond poorly to major shocks such as terrorist attacks, viruses and whatever else, real or imagined the future may hold. 9/11 was mostly Saudi Natio…

End the Obama Hysteria!

…ea the university finds important. In this case, Christian Kock names his main research areas, interests and competencies as: theory of rhetoric, history of rhetoric, reception aesthetics, argumentation, political debate, theory of presentation, written presentation and pedagogy. All those qualification and yet he finds that “an end to petty grievances”, “false promises”, “worn out dogmas”, “childish things” and “stale political arguments” accurat…

Ellemann-Jensen and democracy

…w he put in himself). So by giving into anti-democratic forces we are in fact protecting democracy? By insisting on keeping democracy the way we know works well, we are actually trying to abolish democracy? I’m sorry but that just doesn’t make sense. His point is probably that democracy is supposed to let everyone be heard and then move towards consensus. Well, the Muslims have been heard. They have made their point. Democracy has worked thus far…

Categorized as Europe


…it me again,” which he did.  I told him a 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th time and he again complied.  After the 6th time it started to hurt very bad and I began to cry.  I went to the teacher, crying in front of all my classmates and she called Adam to the front. His defence was “Well, he told me to hit him,” and the Alpha male confirmed this fact after rushing up to help his buddy Adam.  And what was the teachers solution? “Well, you shouldn’t have told him…

America – the ‘we’ illusion

…the same television shows, got pretty much the same news out of the three main networks and all lived in fear of our mutual enemy the Soviet Union. This entertainment and information was broadcast to every television set in the USA and we were all on the same page. But in the 90s with the introduction of cable TV we now had an explosion of options and so started watching different things. As time went on the news channels learned that entertainmen…