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Why I am not a Multiculturalist

…be given preference over those of already existing majorities and that any practice whatsoever should be respected insofar as it could claim status as part of a “culture”. In praxis, this has meant the promotion of cultures and peoples from less-developed countries and the denigration of their Western counterparts. In recent years this process has been sped up by the formation, professional management of and generous funding flowing into organizat…

Corporate Passion!

…ost I opened up the New Yorker and read a book review called “The Iron Curtain” which examines the daily life of living in the Eastern European states under Soviet rule. One sentence in particular really stood out which said that people are not so easily socialized, which was referring to turning the citizens into pure Communists. You know where I have heard this word before? Yep, in corporate america at my former company.  You see, when the MBAs’…

Extreme Christianity

…of faith. *Side Note 2:  “Become radical” is much better.  To “get” is to obtain something physical.  I know I’m being anal about this, but if she is going to set herself up on a pedestal and look down upon those that she deems “fake,” then I’m going to call her out on these mistakes.  She claims to be a professor after all….. As this blog is concerned with understanding and embracing other cultures, you probably already know that an article such…

Creationism vs. Evolution – Unique thoughts

…ographic location entirely, then somehow start reading and then improbably obtain an open mind! For example, if you mention Japan to Americans what is it that they will think?  They will draw on their limited knowledge and think that is the extent of Japan Japan = Sushi, Kimonos, Cartoon characters. Yet, if one goes there, learns the language they will soon realize that Japan encompasses so much MORE!!  So much in fact that it will change them and

Life in Tokyo vs. Life in Saigon

…ers. Granted this would have been more fun than in the USA because I could practice Japanese and further integrate myself. I could see the years slipping away and moving up in the company would have been difficult due to my foreigner status , limited Japanese and the hierarchy of the Japanese system. This still appealed to me more than life in the USA which would have been buying a house, car, being in debt until 50 and joining the rat race. Also,…