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Black Lives Matter

…l speeches but they are inherently just words. The institutional racism remains in tact. Any meaningful change will need the support of white people and for people to change their hearts. I think that this is a good wake-up call and I hope American society does become more just. However, it will need every individual to look deeply within themselves and erase those feelings of prejudice. I don’t see this happening for most people but I hope over t…

OIC takes fight against freedom of speech to the UN

…tic that one could not change, which was in direct conflict to Article 18 of the Universal Declaration, which said that individuals had a right to change and choose their religion, and to manifest their beliefs through its teaching, practice and observance, or to choose not to practice a religion at all. It was unhelpful and incorrect to suggest that race and religion were the same. He would vote no on the draft.” The draft was then approved. Shar…

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A Proposal – Gun Legislation

…- Well regulated militias: If a group of enthusiasts want to get together, practice defense against tyrants and blow stuff-up ROCK-ON! Can I come for a weekend? ·         How else can we get people to understand and respect the equipment they are using but by having a group of serious and experienced people inculcate a proper weapons mystique to the newbie’s (insert respect + favorite child hunting story here!  But lets not confuse this with the n…

Random Thoughts – Internet

…to sell something I have become more cautious.  I too must engage in this practice and it continually astounds me how much I can learn about someone on the net.  If they do not have their FB privacy settings set correctly I can quickly learn about their entire life! For some, their privacy settings are set purposely that way.  They enjoy being center stage  and I believe use it as an emotional support to believe that people want to look at them….

Nationalism, Tribalism, Political Affiliation and Favorite Sports Teams

…of being “different” or unique. In the USA most people do not bother to research exactly why this social phenomenon takes place. The easy answer is the team is supported because it actually supports the community and is part of the community. Being part of the community ourselves it only follows that we would support the community we happen to be in. But looking further we must look back to our roots in England. Villages would support their lords…