We found 211 results for your search.

The Meanings of Words – What is Colonialism, Communism

…better their condition. They equate an economic concept “Capitalism” with freedom and “Communism” with slavery which is completely absurd. They are simply two economic models that would be better debated in terms of markets and currency movements by certified Economists. Yet, the super elite know that if communism were to take hold then they would lose all or most of their wealth. Therefore, they strike at it anywhere in the world in hopes of pre…

10 Things I Love/Hate about San Francisco

…ons only really need to be made about three days in advance and using yelp.com really helps with thousands of reviews 9. Politics – Sometimes the city goes a little far but I mostly appreciate the mentality of progress and testing the limits of society here. Conservatism to me is akin to not wanting to advance. If conservatives ruled the world we would still be stuck in the Dark Ages. Society will continually progress with periods of stagnation or…

Tropic Thunder

…as “retarded.” http://omg.yahoo.com/news/updated-disability-advocates-call-for-tropic-thunder-protest-stiller-responds/11875 This is a perfect case to understand how one’s viewpoint changes due to international experience and my experience in Vietnam. It also showcases the ignorance of film makers concerning international affairs. Having lived in Vietnam, I saw the affects of the war that still continue today from Agent Orange and the image of se…

Adieu to 2009

…goals and initiatives. If the economy continues to worsen and cuts at the company were to come I still find myself extremely mobile and able to depart. In this case we would most likely head back to Japan where the economy is no better but I am not afraid of rolling the dice one more time to see what comes of it. Further, I would be much more inclined to settle down there (buy a house) than I would be in extremely expensive San Francisco. Yet, th…

Saigon Stories

…d beating the motorbike taxi driver. He said it was all staged and as an ex-pat in Saigon, I would have to agree with him. The motorbike taxi driver probably took a few blows for a handsome kickback from the thugs. Finally the tourist got freaked out and pulled out all the money he had after which they let him go. It’s not uncommon to get scammed like that in poor countries and tourists have to watch out. If you are taken to any shady places, it’s…