We found 211 results for your search.

Culture Shock

…” they simply want to drop off the item, get your signature and go.  I did complain about this to Comcast and ‘lo and behold the next month they ran a commercial about how they will respect your house and wear booties or even take off shoes!  I would like to think that my message to them caused this change and I half believe it did! I cannot express how unhappy I become with my “culture” when some idiot just wants to trample into your clean house…

Global Allegiance

…inese http://www.france24.com/en/20110111-renault-summons-executives-centre-spy-row-unions One futurist I read a while back indicated that people would stop identifying themselves with a country and change to identification with corporation or a brand…  And in that perspective It has been interesting to watch the growth and demise of some brands. I will take Sony as an example; once it could stand “toe to toe” with apple and for anybody techie wou…

Categorized as China, World

Job Interviews in San Francisco

…eat recommendation to the boss when we got back and I would have to take a test which was comprised of the interviewer teaching me the “8 steps to success” and “5 sales methods” which I would memorize and then spit back out five seconds later on the test. After I took the test my “interviewer” went into a private room with the boss for about five minutes and when he came out I could see on his face it wasn’t good. He took me outside and told me th…

Time Life Books – The Trailblazers

…ocalypse, “Apo” for short. https://www.mateodecolon.com/2005/06/experiences-in-saigon/ Lewis noted with astonishment that in this virgin land beavers swam fearlessly in their streams in broad daylight. One day a buffalo calf followed him about like a pet dog. Another small piece of information that paints the American wilderness as a Garden of Eden. Often the trappers bought or otherwise obtained an Indian girl to take to the mountains for pleasur…

America is more of a business than a country

…f benefits?   Yes, the land is beautiful and prosperous but the prosperity comes from companies and companies will hire who they want regardless of national borders.  So isn’t it better to work for a really great company more so than it is to be a citizen of a certain country?  Currently, the best path to saying in the USA is becoming a citizen, or marrying one but what if we took things a step forward and just privatized who can become a citizen?…