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Chaos is coming to a town near you.

…ching oil depletion ( even after some saw gas prices near $5.00 per gallon [ ouch!!! ] ), but the public in general doesn’t seem to care. Let me state this clearly, “OIL IS AN EFFFING FINITE RESOURCE. AND IT WON’T LAST FOREVER.” I think there are three main reasons, that the general public doesn’t care. 1) Oil/Gas prices came down because of oil induced recession, 2) The government isn’t telling the public about peak oil, & 3) The mainstream media…

Twenty Years Since 9/11 – Wars and Lies – Current State and Thoughts of the Future.

…ow easily many Americans believed it all. The earliest post I have on this comes from 2005 and is below: https://globalcitizenblog.com/institutionalized/ The American news was plastered with the hunt for WMD and you know what? Saddam didn’t have any WMD, it was an outright lie. I knew Bush and his team would lie but I was extremely disappointed in Colin Powell as he put on presentations “proving” WMD. I started to realize you could sell the public…

The crisis in Thailand, from the perspective of a foreigner

…gkok covered in thick black smoke from burning tires, soldiers shooting protesters and protesters throwing molotov cocktails and slingshots to soldiers. Regardless of which colour shirt you are and whose side you’re on, this surely has to be a very sad thing for Thailand and anybody who enjoys living and visiting Thailand. But the divisions have gotten so wide I wonder how long it will take to heal from this harrowing event. Some of my friends who…

Past Meets the Present – Infinite City

…found the right book and have done my studies.  Only then, do they really come alive. I will not go into the details of these ghosts in this post but instead will just give you a few examples of what I think about when walking through San Francisco. 1. Japan Town – I see the Japanese being boarded onto buses for concentration camps courtesy of the US Government.  I see a shell of a place that once was a thriving Japanese community now being bough…

Osama Bin Laden Dead and Lara Logan

…ized 2. American culture portrays their own women as easy and liking sex.  Combine that with a mob of uncivilized men, bad things will happen. Well, this was not a comfortable post to write but thought I should tell you how the world works so you can take proper precaution before figuring it out for yourself and getting in a bad situation.  Let’s make a checklist and if you have too many checks, think twice about going there if you are a woman and…