We found 215 results for your search.

Great Immigration Debate

…cy are also Christians, it is my hope that their Christian values will overcome all the political posturing and flawed laws that are on the books.  If we ask ourselves truly “What would Jesus do?” I think many of us will already know the answer and have to reflect pretty deeply to overcome previously held opinions. This does not mean we cannot secure our borders or alleviate some of their other very reasonable concerns.  As it stands now, our immi…

Global Citizens – Understanding Ourselves

…econceived biases.  You observe, learn from those around you and then when comfortable, try to reconcile them with your previous mindset. This might be very hard for the majority of people to accomplish, especially older people set in their ways.  However, with technology and the ease of travel, it is my hope that we will come to understand each other across all boundaries and borders.  I do not give much hope to this happening anytime soon, but p…

Did the WSJ get an idea from The Global Citizen?

…ty did the sitting. You would also have to decide if the sitting event was completed or not. If our ovoid hero sat on the wall for the entire time he was meant to, it would be a different form of the verb than if, say, he had a great fall.” Global Citizen: “I’m not sure if I can think of a super great example to demonstrate but I’ll give it a go.  I won’t use English/French/Spanish because they are too close on the linguistic tree.  Instead, let’s…

Reply to Comment on Tokyo Metblogs

…my is most likely to grow by leaps and bounds? I did think much about your comment “the fire to compete.” Well, I asked myself which arena would be the most likely in which I would win and win quickly. So I don’t like to think of it as big pond or small pond but simply in which pond I can catch the most fish. And the Vietnam pond is going to grow tremendously so I’m catching fish while it’s still small in the form of contacts with the future leade…

Creationism vs. Evolution – Unique thoughts

…were complete fact. The interesting thing is that the more educated one becomes, the more complex the story gets even in religious schools.  In university one is taught more science and the religion is muted, but in religious schools things become more open to interpretation and the mystical.  It is my understanding that the more religious training one receives they most likely become more open and tolerant they become. To offer a crude metaphor,…