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Extreme Christianity

…ociety In order to make them better Christians she must show them how to become “more excited” over their faith and become like her. This however is not new, especially in the United States. The US has a long history of “revivals” where people work themselves up into a frenzy in order to more directly “experience God.”  These include: 1. Snake Handlers 2. Quakers – “Unprogrammed” worship where people just start to yell out 3. Speaking in Tongues 4…

BBC News – UK non-Christian claims ‘absurd’, senior Tories say

…best.  Their ancestors went out conquering other nations and when the mess comes back to haunt them (albeit with a 300 or so year lag) they get all upset about it. But to throw them a bone, I would say that Europe is vastly more tolerant of immigrants than most countries in the world.  Change comes slowly and the immigrants should do their part and try to fit in to the host culture.  After all, if their culture is the most important thing to them,…

America and Religion

…?  The answer to that is probably a resounding no, or a very weak yes. For example, if we compare Evangelicals and Catholics, I’m certain that Catholics would feel superior due to the authority of the Roman Catholic Church and the Evangelicals would think the Catholics to be mindless sheep who really do not feel passion when worshiping God. The Catholics would look at the Evangelical and believe them to be in complete disarray with no direction, s…

In San Francisco

…car starts to roll since a lot of parking are on steep inclines. I will contest that one since I have a drivers license from Ohio and will say I just didn’t know. Probably won’t get any sympathy though. The second one was when the meter ran out since my interview lasted for 3 hours!!!! I used to consider myself a liberal but after a week of living in San Francisco I think I’m going to have to go back to being a conservative. Everyone here has bump…

Fast Times in San Fran

…in order to glean information illegally is now known as “pretexting.” For example, if you want to know what crimes your co-worker has committed and tell the cops you are a reporter from a famous newspaper to get the info, you are simply “pretexting,” which is much less worse than lying. 2. You no longer try to “change someone’s opinion.” Now, it is a “fight for the hearts and minds.” Violent vocabulary is encouraged and try to use the word “fight…