We found 215 results for your search.

Constantine’s Sword

…ngregation by saying “Study your faith people!”   The Catholic Church must come to grips with the atrocities it committed in the past.  Unfortunately, this is not happening under Pope Benedict.   What really baffles me however is the majority of people who question nothing regarding their religion.  In the film he shoots clips from some youth mega church in Colorado where they all gather together to sing songs, cry and pray.   To me, this is the w…

Corporate Passion!

…doing to us was not degrading but actually “helping.” Well needless to say my former company has had extremely high turnover.  In fact out of 25 or so people in my immediate area I can only name one or two that are still with the company.  A gulag it was becoming indeed! Wrapping up this post, the next time the MBAs’ propose you drink yet another flavor of Kool-Aid, perhaps you could propose that they give this beverage a try instead. Share this:…

Californians cannot drive

…her a very nasty look…….. and so it goes on in a never ending cycle on the freeways of California. Example #2: A stoplight has just turned red and a taxi decides to change lanes into the one lane that has no cars waiting for the light. He does this 4 seconds before another car arrives whom I suppose wanted to be first in line due to their incessant honking, middle fingering and gun sign making. I think the fine ladies making these gestures actuall…