We found 211 results for your search.

New Look and World Music App

…g like it and have been enjoying it immensely. As I was checking out the latest from Europe, I found that the more things change, the more they stay the same.  The top song in just about every European country is this funky up beat club music with inane lyrics that go something like.  “Let’s have a lot of fun, party party party, have a good time, let’s all jump around yay yay yay! Now that I think about it, that poor Rebecca Black who had such a h…

Heathcare – A Global Citizen Perspective

…a problem?  Come’on, I’m sure there is something not quite right that the latest pretty little pill can fix! America is sick alright. Now we have Obama trying to provide insurance for everyone, but the other half have been convinced to vote against something that is probably in their best interest! I really hate it when they throw out the word “socialist” so readily.  These people have no idea what socialism actually is!  I mean they certainly ha…


…mply too difficult to imagine that any one person or group could have such complete control.  CEOs of major companies have a hard enough time as it is simply controlling their empires.  The pieces move to quickly and one would think that a secret this big couldn’t be kept for long.  Unless of course the secret is already out there but most just refuse to believe it? Aren’t conspiracy theories fun! UPDATE 5.9.2010 –  Well I’ll be danged.  There is…

The New York Times and The Economist

…panese head tilt when The Times claims in their opening sentence: “Its fire-engine-red logo peeks out of fashionable handbags and from the back pockets of designer jeans.” I’m not sure about other countries but here in downtown San Francisco (Union Square area) I would think that The Economist would make designer bag wearers heads tilt so much that they might actually fall over.  I’m not sure what those people read but I can be sure it is anything…

A Night in Saigon – Debate at a Bar

…t system in the United States. It was interesting to find that as they can search houses here and we think of it as “Communism,” the same thing happens in the USA, especially in minority neighborhoods. I guess the pretext is finding “illegal aliens,” but they could say that here as well since some foreigners have not registered their guests/residents in their house properly. So we foreigners tend to think of this as “Communism” but it’s not really…