We found 211 results for your search.

Asian Prostitute and Being Human

FOREX and how different currencies are exchanged between countries.  She found it impossible to find a job in economics in China but that she could make decent money giving massages in Tokyo. It is amazing how much you can learn about people if you are kind and allow yourself to open up to them.  Do not judge a book by its cover and do not underestimate how far showing a little bit of kindness can go. We are all trying to do our best in this life…

America and Religion

…unders of America were English, they too had no mind to give any power what-so-ever back to Rome. But according to Wikipedia, The Church of England considers itself to be both Catholic and Reformed (Protestant).  As both of these religious groups share many of the same ideas it’s not a huge deal to try and find the differences except for one.  That difference is the powerful “reformists” prefer to not grant any authority to the Pope. So, fast forw…

Solipsism, Politics and Facebook

…h something light, something funny.  Then as you speak more and more you become more comfortable and throw out EVERY SINGLE THING THAT CROSSES YOUR MIND INCLUDING SUBJECTS YOU WOULD BE MORE CAREFUL WITH IF IT WERE AN IN PERSON CONVERSATION AND SOME OF YOU WRITE IT ALL IN CAPITAL LETTERS WHICH IS HIGHLY AGITATING! Now being an election year and the state of politics being as it is I find more than a few political statements being thrown about onlin…

MBA Students – A Scourge

…round. Here is my top ten: 1. Save money = This means spend more of it. 2. Comes for free =   No it doesn’t, it is built into the cost of what you are buying. 3.  Empowering = Empower you to spend more money. 4. Win win – Yes, the MBA wins twice. 5. The Big Picture =   ….. I don’t know what this means 6.  Turnkey solution =  This means absolutely nothing, I looked it up, it’s just something to say when you have nothing else to say. 7. Challenges =…

SPEAK AMERICAN – Fun lesson in language

and repeated a number of times.  Eventually, the original meaning would become completely lost. I’m not sure if I can think of a super great example to demonstrate but I’ll give it a go.  I won’t use English/French/Spanish because they are too close on the linguistic tree.  Instead, let’s do English/Japanese. –  English – I want to eat spaghetti The stress of this sentence is on “I.” – Japanese – Spaghetti tabetai – Spagetti wants to be eaten The…