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2011 – Thoughts

…sh.  Here I not only have many more bills but some cause me headaches like Comcast.  For an internet service provider their website is awful and when I pay online the transaction only completes half the time and I get no confirmation page.  Then I have to wait to see if my card was charged before trying again. 6.  Many many other things I cannot think of right now I have to tell you that Thoreau’s quote “Simplify, Simplify” sounds quite good right…

The Politics of Avatar

…tshops with the Nike corporation, make millions and now are rolling in the latest BMWs. Nike notices that some of the Na’vi are athletically gifted (cause they are all 10ft tall) and could dominate in American sports. So they lobby congress to get visas for some of the better players and now the Na’vi are some of the most popular players in the NBA and MLB. 6. Economic corruption scenario – The Americans win but see that the fruits of Pandora are…

A Parody of the Media

…will be rainy. c.) Thursday will be hot again. d.) Tune in at 6:00 for the latest on the weather. e.) “Quiet Communities Count on Blasts of Noise to Scare Crows” (A real headline) – Realize the communities are longer quiet and are investigating into the cause of the mysterious noise. f.) Evangelical from World Harvest Resurrection Hope of the Savior wants all Muslims to quit being silly and convert. 6. San Francisco News a.) Gay people still reall…

Why I’m an Environmentalist

…icians lips. Yet, is this crisis really taken seriously or is it just the “latest thing?” I would argue that the “Going Green” movement is still not taken as seriously as it should be. The reason being that people still do not really feel the effects of pollution on a day to day basis and “Global Warming” is still considered a “theory” to a large part of America. Large polluting companies now put a picture of a plant on their advertisements in hop…

Israel invasion of Gaza – 2nd Post

…he US will not only continue to justify the reasons but fund the bombs that kill these children as well?  Why?  Because America has a fucking ‘special relationship’ with Israel.  Aka, Israel has the US sucking its dick.   And how will all of this play out?  Will this latest genocide bring peace to the region and turn all the Gazans into Israel supporters?  I think not.  Yes, who wouldn’t love a country or race that killed not only someone’s entire…