We found 235 results for your search.

Mind Control

…nge?  It may be difficult to change an entire personality without a lot of practice but in it’s essence isn’t “personality” simply a state a continual state of mind? Some foreigners will thrive very well in a foreign country where others will crash and burn.  Would it not be beneficial for those that are having an unpleasant experience to try and keep a positive state of mind?  Again, there are some external factors that will come into play and it…

Considering the Human

…considering everything internal.  It was good to hear that in the Buddhist practice they also contemplate the body and by doing so come to a number of conclusions.  The teacher mentioned it is a useful practice for young monks when they have “desires of the flesh.”  By contemplating the body as it actually is, is quite useful in helping those “desires” go away, especially since so much of the body is very foul. It is good to know that my thoughts…

Street Vendors in Vietnam

…in school. If we give money to her it will simply encourage this terrible practice. And, she really isn’t that needy which I found out by offering to buy her a coke and a hot dog after which she replied “No,,,, Money!” The conversation usually goes like this. Girl: you buy me one Me: Cannot Girl: yes,, you buy me one! Me: Not today Girl” ok later Me: No not later, do you want a coke? Girl: No, Money! Me: No, Coke! Girl: You give me money! With th…

The American Solution to Suicide Bombers

…cial then it will solve the problem!” As luck would have it, I was able to obtain a few preliminary drafts of these commercials through my secret contacts in Saigon. 1. It starts out with a young Iraqi youth in a park sitting by the pond contemplating while the narration starts. “Are you feeling down and depressed by American oppression? Have you given thought to strapping a bomb to yourself and blowing the hell out of everyone and everything? Is…

Columbus Day

…Let’s celebrate Columbus Day by walking into someone’s house and telling them we live there now. Kind of like Israeli settlers! https://youtu.be/KNqozQ8uaV8 https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/4/if-i-dont-steal-your-home-someone-else-will-jewish-settler-says Share this: Twitter Reddit…