We found 211 results for your search.

A Proposal – Gun Legislation

…iasts want to get together, practice defense against tyrants and blow stuff-up ROCK-ON! Can I come for a weekend? ·         How else can we get people to understand and respect the equipment they are using but by having a group of serious and experienced people inculcate a proper weapons mystique to the newbie’s (insert respect + favorite child hunting story here!  But lets not confuse this with the need to take an AR-15 deer hunting this weapon i…

How to choose the Japanese drill sergeant that is right for YOU

…ustries-basedjukochodai sangyo-kei (重厚長大産業系). Whew. Charisma-kei and dozoku-keicompanies are similar in style, they say, in that both types put the company founder or president on a kind of pedistal, decorating offices and board rooms with his photo and adhering strictly to the guidelines these founding fathers have set down. The company goes through efforts to “brainwash” new hires, lest they get sick of kowtowing and quit. One company Zaiten  ci…

Categorized as Japan

Chaos is coming to a town near you.

…had to reduce their spending on other things in life ( Including those sub-prime mortgages, which also were resetting to higher rates. Sub-prime just made this whole thing happen a lot faster ). With lesser demand, Oil/Gas prices went down. The public may think that lower prices is the norm, but it won’t last. As oil depletes more, and demand catches up, we will be right back to higher prices. With this boom to bust cycle going on, somebody is go…

The Truth about Thanksgiving

…versary and escape before he could do physical harm. o The targeting of non-combatants like women, children, and the elderly was never contemplated. Indians expressed shock and repugnance when the Europeans told, and then showed, them that they considered women and children fair game in their style of warfare. o A major Indian “war” might end with less than a dozen casualties on both sides. Often, when the arrows had been expended the “war” would…