We found 211 results for your search.

Worth a read: Washington, We Have A Problem

…d for thought, but also scares the heck out of me… considering all the rhetoric and hate speech going on right now by some of the Republican senators and politicians-waiting-to-be-elected. http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/features/2010/09/broken-washington-201009 Share this: Twitter Reddit…

Afghan civilians murdered by US soldier

…nother name was absent from the list, a man whose heinous actions endure like bloodstains in South Sound military lore: Staff Sgt. Robert Bales. https://www.thenewstribune.com/opinion/article248676890.html Share this: Twitter Reddit…

Categorized as News, U.S.A Tagged

The Republican Clown Train

…The Vermin Supreme The American public is tired of the Republican Clown Train (see Rolling Stone article below.) It’s time to go full on Crazy Train people – the ultimate and final destination of American democracy!!! Let’s exercise our full potential people! Rolling Stone Article – Inside the GOP Clown Car God Bless the USA political system! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NriOZ6ofj_Q Share this: Twitter Reddit…

Columbus Day

…Let’s celebrate Columbus Day by walking into someone’s house and telling them we live there now. Kind of like Israeli settlers! https://youtu.be/KNqozQ8uaV8 https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/4/if-i-dont-steal-your-home-someone-else-will-jewish-settler-says Share this: Twitter Reddit…