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Another CNN rant

…ordered the documents sealed. Congressman so and so was also mad.’ Why exactly was it raided and if it’s causing such a stir why don’t they tell us why? As for lack of debate, this appears to be a nationwide problem. Everyone is either on the left and right and they aren’t going to budge. The extent of the debate goes like this. Left: The invasion of Iraq is bad because they just want oil. Right: No “we” don’t, it’s about giving Iraqi’s freedom a…

Leaving the Democratic Party

…ent political thought process and what do I identify with?  Well, a coffee company commercial of course!  I’ve often said that the main purpose of America is money, to make a profit no matter how many parades or propaganda is spewed.  So it makes perfect sense that I now support the political ideology of the Black Rifle Coffee company.  I do not see why I have to limit my political affiliation to an actual political party?  America is bought and p…

Letter to American Language Learners

…t away from.  The best way is to find friends who do not speak English and practice as much as possible. 2. Fluency In America we think of “fluency” as someone who can speak another language just as well as they do English.  Yet, it is more complicated than that.  I have always preferred the British categorization method which is: a. Bi-Lingual b. Fluent c. Conversational d. Beginner For me, I would fit into the Fluent category here in that I can…

The American Presidential Race

…ould attack everyone so she can buy cheap oil to take her litter to soccer practice and believes that her faith in Jesus justifies that America is correct in everything it has ever done. Living abroad has been so beneficial yet such a curse because those that have experienced other cultures can see very clearly how stupid our leaders can be. I about blew a blood vessel when I read the headline “Sara Palin accuses Barack Obama of associating with t…

Inside Job Part Deux

…ere.  (Tea Party anyone?) So as not to seem elitist it is only fair to explain “laissez faire” since most writers just use this to sound highly educated.  Laissez faire, in French means “Let it be.” So in market terms, we should just let supply and demand regulate themselves. It would seem that our “free-market” mentality sometimes runs smack into our puritan,,, er…. Moral principles.  Isn’t it weird how the Republican party on one hand wants less…