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San Francisco – The Tenderloin – NY Times Article

…understand the geography one must realize that San Francisco is so tightly compact that simply crossing the street can put you in a completely different neighborhood so it is not as strange as it seems having these two neighborhoods so close together.  Almost everyday I walk down from my apartment into the Tenderloin where I park my car at a local hotel and drive through that neighborhood. I’m sure most San Franciscans have many different views of…

The Labor Market and the Tragedy of Illegal Immigration

…ince they cannot vote, politicians will get tough on immigration issues to obtain the votes of hard-core, right-wing voters and to divert the attention from the real problems that they have helped to create. This is how illegal immigrants become the recurrent sacrificial victims -welcomed while useful, disposable when convenient-. What a beautiful country! I wonder whether president Obama still believes that “we are better than this”.  Are we? A m…

Categorized as World

Reply to Comment on Tokyo Metblogs

…als and sometimes Ambassadors of various European countries on how to best obtain a visa or passport. Also, if I’m drinking with these people they get to know me and we become like friends since we are all ex-pats in a very tight ex-pat community. Also, the generation gap is not as pronounced as it is in the west so I do not feel it odd to be partying with a 60 year old and look at them just as I would any other peer. Moreover, this experience wor…

American Empire

…I.  Economics We live in an empire which no longer really needs to grow by obtaining land. Now, the game has turned to economics. Just as with land, the economy must always go up.  It cannot go sideways, or God forbid, go down, it must always go up. There used to be a saying “What goes up must come down,” but it seems that we do not like this saying very much. In an empire, we must continually expand, and grow. The entire system is built upon it….

A quick run-through

…a mistake would be to accept Turkey. For one thing, only a third of Turks actually want to become members. Secondly, their insistence that they actually belong in the European family is just ridiculous. Islam is one thing but the sheer hysteria and irrationality that is integral to Turkish public debate and politics is too much to handle for an EU that struggles hard to find common ground on anything as it is. Putin was polite enough to only make…