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Life in Tokyo vs. Life in Saigon

…ers. Granted this would have been more fun than in the USA because I could practice Japanese and further integrate myself. I could see the years slipping away and moving up in the company would have been difficult due to my foreigner status , limited Japanese and the hierarchy of the Japanese system. This still appealed to me more than life in the USA which would have been buying a house, car, being in debt until 50 and joining the rat race. Also,…

Egypt According to Sandmonkey

…l suddenly calm down, treat women properly, stamp out corruption, and respect freedom of speech, religion and individual rights/liberties, etc. is, in my mind, beyond simple optimism. When the demonstrations in Egypt where still going on in February this year I watched footage of people basically shouting two things: “Down with Mubarak” and “We want freedom”. Sometimes they would add “Freedom! Like you have it in the West.” Fair enough. But the jo…

Meet the Press, Crossfire, Face the Nation

and not that of any other. In which case his use of “Irony” would be correct in that “the free exchange of ideas” only encompasses those ideas which come from the West and therefore does not include any ideas from Iran. To be sure, the President of Iran doesn’t seem like such a good guy and the people of Iran hate their own government but he was democratically elected and the mantra of the USA has been to promote freedom and democracy. It just do…

My Blog

…riends on Facebook are just memories combined with recent pictures, and electronic communication until one day they might appear in your life again and then they turn “real” again. These meetings are quite fun as one can refer to the events in their lives from posts on Facebook and the conversation and “catching up” seems almost as though it is much more effective and efficient. I’ve found myself referring to Facebook so many times in conversation…

Welcome to the USA – Now buy something

…l it be anything to upset you further.  I also won’t be going into all the complex details.   Instead, I’d like to offer it as a bit of friendly advice.   1.  It is all a game. I just got done watching Frontline specials on credit cards, Debit Cards, banks and so on.  There has recently been so much anger over the tactics of credit card companies and the banks.  I’d like to offer just a few observations.   Both Banks and Customers are to blame.  …