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Arizona Immigration Law – A Unique Perspective

…were born into.  You want to ease any anxiety, learn Spanish, get smarter, obtain a better job and start loving people.  I’m sure you will be much happier if you did. As for me, I’m going to go drink a Corona and find a pretty Latina to teach this white boy how to SALSA!!! ——————————————————– A modified version of this post was read on live radio, Youth Beat Radio, WCRS, Community Radio for Columbus.  Click below to listen: http://globalcitizenblo…

The difference between the left wing nut job movement and the right wing nut job movement in the USA

…ng about the conservative movement has been the ability to get members to act against personal morals and convictions for the party cause… and even more so… to instill the belief that their elite members are not accountable to behaviors against their own moral codes because A, they are acting for the good of the nation, B. they can attribute any of their own faults to those of their “enemy” or C. they were chosen by a higher power. Is it a conspir…

Self Identity – Who are you?

…are increasingly coming blurred as races mix, people immigrate, knowledge obtained and the job market being very volatile.  I often wonder how this will affect the sense of self and how we will define ourselves in the future. It would seem that from the moment we are born, various groups lay claim to us.  The easiest of these would be ethnicity as the belonging to a certain tribe.  In Europe, as nations and tribal groups merged, we have arrived a…

The Fourth of July 2019

…e Viet Cong They’re still there, he’s all gone He had a woman he loved in Saigon I got a picture of him in her arms now But the war is now about 50 years old, so this is old stuff and we’re different now right? Well, no! Let’s talk about Iraq. The leadership told us that the main justification for the war was to stop their ‘weapons of mass destruction.” Where there any weapons of mass destruction? Of course not. Again, I would have expected the hu…

Privacy, presidential candidates and other things

for the right to look into each one of our lives.  We citizens have in effect become a possible enemy, each one of us, and the government wants to monitor us all. This is so absolutely chilling that I feel this all must be a dream.  How can the USA, the country whose ideals are encapsulated by Superman, the good guys, now be paranoid of its own citizens?  It is as though the USA has contracted leukemia and through harsh treatment will leave its bo…