We found 50 results for your search.

Old man falls down. Who can you trust?

…t their cases heard without getting their heads bashed in. Some settle semi-permanently in so-called petitioners’ villages while they try to push their cases. Not so long ago Chen Yulian who is the wife of an important party cadre, was the victim of a vicious beating on the stairs of a public building in Wuhan when she was on her way to make a petition. When the police found out who she was married to they did something very unusual: they apologiz…

Ground Zero Mosque Controversy

…rightly so. A Palestinian researcher at Cambridge University, Dr. Khaled Al-Haroub, recently wrote a comment on this issue in the PA daily Al-Ayyam. Please a read a longer excerpt at MEMRI.org. (Bonus info: he has the details of the Danish bus driver incident slightly wrong. See the video here.) Taking legal action in pursuit of interests is a natural and usual option in the West, where the judiciary system is usually fair and is not controlled by…

Credit Cards – Some Advice for my loyal readers

…! I use the American Express BLUE CASH card. http://www201.americanexpress.com/getthecard/learn-about/BlueCash I use it for every single expense possible.  There is no fee and I get payed around $450 every year or so for using this card. How? Again, use it for every expense possible and PAY OFF YOUR BALANCE EVERY MONTH! The goal is to have them pay you, not the other way around. Why do most people not do this? They want the prestige of Platinum, G…

Letter to My Descendants on the State of the USA

…itle that leaves no room for doubt. I hate CNN – https://globalcitizenblog.com/i-hate-cnn/ I am against the constant wars of the USA. Now given my rants on Trump and Republicans above I’ll show that I can think and a thinking person should give credit where credit is due so I actually agree with one or two things Trump believes. We should get America out of these endless wars. Why wouldn’t we want a better relationship with Russia? And while I’m a…

Twenty Years Since 9/11 – Wars and Lies – Current State and Thoughts of the Future.

…a pandemic which has killed 688,000 Americans yet the buffoons have now become anti-mask, anti-vaccine and anti-science. These people actually take horse dewormer over a vaccine because their leaders on Faux news told them to do so. Our democracy is in imminent danger of outright collapse and may in-fact do so if Trump is elected again which is a real possibility. Absurdity is alive and well! Suddenly, lying to a nation about WMD or attacking a c…