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Time Life Books – The Trailblazers

…ocalypse, “Apo” for short. https://www.mateodecolon.com/2005/06/experiences-in-saigon/ Lewis noted with astonishment that in this virgin land beavers swam fearlessly in their streams in broad daylight. One day a buffalo calf followed him about like a pet dog. Another small piece of information that paints the American wilderness as a Garden of Eden. Often the trappers bought or otherwise obtained an Indian girl to take to the mountains for pleasur…

The truth about California Missions. Just as bad as Canadian Residential Schools

…sfgate.com/opinion/openforum/article/The-dark-terrible-secret-of-California-s-missions-2685666.php I also liked this quote from the Reddit thread I’ve been to a few missions. My kids did projects on Santa Cruz and San Luis Obispo. I’ve read the little plaques they put outside, sounds so innocence: the Indians lived here. This is where they farmed. This is little church. Here’s the gift shop. A big write up about the owners and the Fathers. Nothing…

Why is Everyone So Offended?

…9/Teachers-drop-Holocaust-avoid-offending-Muslims.html 3.http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8591331.stm 4.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/religion/7668448/Christian-preacher-arrested-for-saying-homosexuality-is-a-sin.html 5. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/atkinson-takes-fight-with-religious-hatred-bill-to-parliament-679152.html 6 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3948329.stm Share this: Twitter Reddit…

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Strikes, Jury Duty, Whiskey and an Obama Protest

…Trade!  The links to their arguments are found at / www.summerforcongress.com and www.larouchepac.com.  I swear, you just never know what you’re gonna get in this city. To add to this weird week I also received a summons for Jury Duty.  It would almost seem that the Universe is playing tricks on me not letting me get my car, confusing me about Obama and now Jury Duty.  The reason that I believe it is the Universe doing this to me is they schedule…

Language Study

…e same thing in English and was correct. “Com”, or “Con” mean to combine, (com-bine). Thus, “Computer”, “Conference”, “Construct”, “Competition”, all mean the combining of two or more things. I found this com-pletely fascinating. Finally, there is always debate as to what is “correct” English. There are those who abhor bad grammar usage and take a very technical view of the language. For them the sentence “John didn’t do no good things for nobody,…