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Tropic Thunder

…as “retarded.” http://omg.yahoo.com/news/updated-disability-advocates-call-for-tropic-thunder-protest-stiller-responds/11875 This is a perfect case to understand how one’s viewpoint changes due to international experience and my experience in Vietnam. It also showcases the ignorance of film makers concerning international affairs. Having lived in Vietnam, I saw the affects of the war that still continue today from Agent Orange and the image of se…

SPEAK AMERICAN – Fun lesson in language

…and repeated a number of times.  Eventually, the original meaning would become completely lost. I’m not sure if I can think of a super great example to demonstrate but I’ll give it a go.  I won’t use English/French/Spanish because they are too close on the linguistic tree.  Instead, let’s do English/Japanese. –  English – I want to eat spaghetti The stress of this sentence is on “I.” – Japanese – Spaghetti tabetai – Spagetti wants to be eaten The…

10 Things I Love/Hate about San Francisco

…surfing by noon. Best not to mix wine tasting between the two however. 5. Compact City – One can walk from one side to the other but it is best to go around the hills. You do not need a car to live here. 6. Public Transportation – This city has the best public transportation in all of the USA. The Muni, and Bart can get you anywhere in under an hour. 7. Entertainment – The level of talent here is unsurpassed. Not everyone becomes a superstar but…

Social Networks – Facebook – Blogs and the future

…around which every other aspect of the web revolves or will something else come along and pull FB out of it’s orbit? One interesting site that combines blogs and social networks is Ning .  This is a very cool idea but as of yet I don’t think it is very popular.  Also, it has been rumored that they will start charging a fee for the service in July which is anathema to many internet users.  Yet, I am able to add this blog to the service and should N…

Smart Consumer USA – Global Citizen

…w much cell phones cost here in the USA.  Sooooo, what to do about it? a.  Company discount Most cell phone companies have thousands of deals with major companies and institutions.  All you have to do is ask and that could garner you a 10% – 25% discount off your annual bill.  If your company does not have a deal you are not out of luck.  These stores are staffed with teenagers who might be willing to work with you.  When I first decided to switch…