The long read: After the military victory, Vietnam’s socialist model began to collapse. Cut off by US-led trade embargos and denied reconstruction aid, it plunged into poverty. Now its economy is booming – but so is inequality and corruption Source: Vietnam 40 years on: how a communist victory gave way to capitalist corruption | News…… Continue reading Vietnam 40 years on: how a communist victory gave way to capitalist corruption | News | The Guardian
Capetian Dynasty
I’ve always been completely fascinated by the Capetian dynasty. A family whose rule started in 987, dominated for five centuries and still has royals to this day in Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg and on the throne with King Felipe VI of Spain. In the USA, when royalty is mentioned it is something that belongs…… Continue reading Capetian Dynasty
The Interview Movie
Just finished watching The Interview as as usual for this blog I won’t be rehashing the same themes splashed all over current news. In short I did laugh at a few parts but on the overall found it just the same old crude high school humor fart joke type of movie that Hollywood continues to…… Continue reading The Interview Movie
The difficulty with truth in public – Ferguson
Another very long dry spell with no posts! The reason is simply that I now have two kids instead of one. With one kid you’re still afforded a modicum of free time, yet with two, the concept of 100% individual free time no longer exists. Today I read an article in the New Yorker regarding…… Continue reading The difficulty with truth in public – Ferguson
Proof of Human Evolution
It has occurred to me that the proof for human evolution is right in front of our eyes. Literally. One of my favorite places to think is in the sauna at my gym. The endorphins from the exercise have saturated my brain so I’m naturally high, and the heat makes me quickly relax as…… Continue reading Proof of Human Evolution