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The Coconut Example – Services in America

…. And today the teller actually did ask me if I already had another card, how much the APR was, and how much of a line of credit I had her. When I tried to politely insinuate it was none of her damn business it was as effective explaining Bio-Chemistry to the family dog. I must go back to the world where people still smile with no hidden agenda. I must go back to a world of simplicity. I must go back to Asia. Share this: Twitter Reddit…

The world has gone crazy

…rvice so the criminals cannot destroy everything you’ve worked so hard to gain!!!” Again, it appears in America that we must be afraid of something and must pay money to insure ourselves, medicate ourselves and so on so we can be happy. The society has turned truly sick. Final Thoughts: Every problem in the world comes from the failure to understand another viewpoint or greed. It is easy to rile the population to one cause or another since populat…


…e reasoning and it is as if the chimps are chattering, beating their chests and I wonder, why can I not understand them? So, further in-depth posts will come, I’ll use my tiny brain to try and reason, to argue against further destruction.  But do I really understand anything? Perhaps it is best to retreat to my wine, to watch my movies and wallow in the stagnant waters of sadness. Share this: Twitter Reddit…

Healthcare Debate and a small rant on selfishness (nonpartisan)

…something like the spoiled child. Perhaps we should examine what they expect to gain by yelling. The logic (of the spoiled 2 year old) is that should I raise my voice it expresses that I really feel strongly about the “want, not want” and seeing as I’m so important and the world revolves around me everyone should stop what they are doing and come pacify me because my feelings are the most important thing in the universe. Unfortunately, as a strat…

10 Minutes of Ruminations

…nything they believe now and not have to worry about the consequences. I detest the fact that they see some snow and then use it to say there is no Global Warming. Even if it didn’t turn out to be as severe as scientist predict, it would do well to stop putting crap in the atmosphere. 3. Most passionate = Most uninformed – I have never read so much as I do now. With the birth of the Iphone and all the free media I find myself reading anything and