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Ellemann-Jensen and democracy

…s above freedom of speech is directly opposed to the idea of democracy, no compromise can be made without compromising democracy itself. I happen to put democracy before religion and I am therefore unable to accept any form of compromise that gives authority to religious taboos. Freedom of speech is an absolute cornerstone of democracy and any kind of censorship (religious or otherwise) is a threat to a free society. Mr. Ellemann-Jensen who was al…

Categorized as Europe

American Automakers, Capitalism, India and Christmas

…omic news plays a small part, but much more it is the society which I have come to not like very much since coming back from Asia. Perhaps the pinnacle example of this is the Wal-Mart employee that was crushed by hordes of animals trying to get a good deal on some trinket. This once act really defines a society at large which has become nothing more than a consuming monstrosity. The point of life in America seems to be to “purchase” to “consume” a…

The ISIS takes a page from Spanish Conquistadors!

…demanding that their recipients submit to Islamic rule (see Aslim Taslam).[2]“ History repeats itself indeed!  The ISIS is taking a page from the Conquistadors who most likely took a page from 8th century Arabs!  So much for religion being about peace, love and not killing people. The Christians might say that this was during a more primitive time so it is unfair to compare.  My response to that would be another question.  Wouldn’t the teachings…

Ode to the MMORPG

…line is that games now make kids smarter. The picture below is of my character in battle. I do hope that I’ll soon tire of this game so I can do more productive things in my free time but as computers and the internet get better, so do the games. Looks like I’m doomed. Share this: Twitter Reddit…