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Institutionalized – We only know what we are taught

…or see one side? Perhaps, the most valuable aspect of living abroad is the freedom which comes of breaking out of the institution of our native society. We become too accustomed to the standard and have not even conceived that our standard might not be the most optimal. For example, most people have credit cards and rack up huge debts due to their own greed. Now that President Bush is trying to do away with declaring bankruptcy and perhaps the ret…

Team Obama 2010 Member!

…but trying to get out of these is like trying to get out of Alcatraz. d.  Comcast – Comcast has the crappiest website on the planet and even though they offer to let you make a “one time payment” it often crashes.  Then, you’re not sure if you’ve paid or not and if you didn’t you get slapped with a $25 late charge.  That happened to me and I had to talk to Rashesh,,, er,, I mean “Tom” on their customer service chat.  For those that have not done…

Global Citizen vs. Call of Duty: Black Ops

…aught this ever since birth and we equate any country under the system of “Communism” as not being free and oppressing their citizens.  You may laugh at this but some of you may even agree! The American wishes everyone to be “free” and happy.  They believe every system should be a Democracy where the citizens get to elect their own leaders.  This is perhaps the main reason they believe the USA is such a great country and when they look at “Communi…

Inside Job Part Deux

…this country and to whose principles we adhere.  This runs counter to our “free market” laissez faire mentality.  There is a demand, there is a supplier, and in accordance with our market principles this would make a perfect match and Government should not interfere.  (Tea Party anyone?) So as not to seem elitist it is only fair to explain “laissez faire” since most writers just use this to sound highly educated.  Laissez faire, in French means “L…

The difficulty with truth in public – Ferguson

…hances of getting nominated.  This really struck a chord with me as a fine example of how we really cannot express our true thoughts and opinions in public space, especially in a world where everything is increasingly being recorded.  The pressure to conform, to self filter and to keep quiet has become great even for those not seeking public office.   As for me, I created this blog to be able to express my own opinions and thoughts without reserva…