We found 235 results for your search.

Technology, Knowledge Corporations and Consumer Culture

…ountries could sell their naming rights as a last ditch effort to try and maintain some authority.  Just as the sports arenas with their new corporate names, perhaps the USA will be known as Facebook States of America? Well friends, it would appear that I’ve read too much, watched too many documentaries.  Have we ever been good at predicting the future?  Would we have guessed our lives would be like this back in 1990?  We are not sure how things w…

Japan – A personal story

and the serverity fluctuates depending on the source.  As the US has now said that 50 miles from the source is recommended I cannot understand why the Japanese government would not recommend the same. I try to put myself in their position and can understand that they do not want to create mass panic.  However, it is still very frustrating. I see that the emperor has issued a statement in that he is very concerned.  This frustrates me further.  Wh…

Sweden: Jews leave Swedish city after sharp rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes

…n’t invite Holocaust survivors to speak any more.” Hate crimes, mainly directed against Jews, doubled last year with Malmo’s police recording 79 incidents and admitting that far more probably went unreported. As of yet, no direct attacks on people have been recorded but many Jews believe it is only a matter of time in the current climate. The city’s synagogue has guards and rocket-proof glass in the windows, while the Jewish kindergarten can only…

Racism in Japan

…to go to Watami, get extremely drunk and make a wreck of the place. Some gaijins commented that many of us go crazy because we are not in our home country and think that acceptable forms of behavior no longer apply. There were food fights, vegetarians that gave the waiters hell if they could not understand that they wanted their salads with no bacon bits and got angry when the food came with a bit of meat, and drunkards spilling their beers all o…

Japanese Protectionism, Latinos in the USA and The Age of Reason

…open up the mentality remains the same.  There are Japanese and there are gaijin (gaijin = outside people = foreigners).  The gaijin will never be fully accepted in Japan and Japan will never change.  If you want to see an everyday example of Japanese isolation just try using an ATM and connect to your foreign bank.  Japanese ATM machines only work for banks in Japan even though in just about every country in the world you can draw from your own b…