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News of the Week – Middle East, Tea Party, Wisconsin, Pig Pen, Goths, Marketing and Relationships

…ould like to propose a solution that would benefit everyone.  No more collective bargaining and everyone in this audience to pay back 25% of their lifetime earnings. Perhaps we wouldn’t be in this situation if the state had decided to save instead of paying the old farts such handsome salaries for so long? We young people who are fiscally conservative should start a break-off faction of the Tea Party.  Since Tea Party happened eons ago perhaps we…

Christianity and its non-Christian Origins

…, say around the year 100 CE. Rome is expanding everywhere; there’s a well-practiced routine when a new barbarian tribe is encountered. The Romans make offerings to the gods of that tribe, saying that they will build them a temple in Rome if they let this tribe be joined to the empire; then they go to war, win, and start to fold yet another tribe into the center. The erection of that temple isn’t something accidental: it’s part of what’s called th…

Greatest Criminal Mind Ever – Mateo

…east 15 cars, the traffic was quite backed up. After about ten minutes of waiting he comes to my window and asks for my drivers license. I pull out my wallet only to discover I do not seem to have my drivers license. I search pretty thoroughly only to confirm this fact. The officer only waits about 5 seconds, tells me to keep looking and goes on to the other vehicles. At this point, I am a bit confused since in my three years of living here: 1. I…

Saigon Stories

…it for the past 4 months. The other day HP2 had disappeared so I call the computer company in the same building who takes care of the computer problems. They are notoriously bad though and manage to break things more than they fix them. So anyway, I ask them where HP2 has gone and they tell me it’s only for the floor below me. I said I used it before and they tell me I cannot use it in our office room. So I take my laptop down to the lower floor…

Cambodia Trip

…ut the front door I kind of expected to see a hoard of people like at the Saigon airport but instead walked out to a very peaceful, clean environment with a nice food court and Dairy Queen. Yes Dairy Queen!!! Phuong’s friend was going to pick us up so we sat down and I treated myself to a chocolate dipped vanilla ice cream cone that only Dairy Queen knows how to do. It was while eating my ice cream that I found out exactly who Phuong’s friend was…