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We Believe What We Are Taught to Believe

…impossible to understand all the history, details, and origins of all they practice. Some will go on to study another religion such as Islam and should they immerse themselves so thoroughly in it, they may even convert. They will feel as though their mind has been opened since they have escaped their original form of thinking and adopted a new one. Yet, it is my opinion that they should not stop there and continue along learning and thinking. It i…

Thoughts on Poverty

…mind, family, or mentally. Yet this is form of thought is rarely put into practice as much as it is in Vietnam. I look at those in America driving their cars to work everyday and whose sole existence is to earn more money and a feeling of sadness envelopes me. They continually look to what they don’t have instead of what they already do have. It is unfortunate that this is the most prevalent form of thought in most “developed” countries. When I c…

Vacationing in Saigon

…the annoyances! But here in Vietnam, I’ve met many Japanese people and can practice Japanese sometimes but they all speak English very well! I do have a question however about the Japanese character and moving to another country. Someone important to me will not come because they are afraid of “poor countries,” and then I meet many Japanese here who are quite dynamic and have settled in very nicely here. As for Westerners, I’m afraid to say that A…

Survivors and activists hail cluster bomb ban

…ess forced those military powers to alter their behaviour, to change their practice and the use of weapons,” he said. As the treaty has gained support, the use of such weapons has become stigmatised. “I would imagine the same will happen to cluster munitions,” he added. “Just the process of negotiating this treaty has forced the United States to change its national policy on cluster munitions.” CHILDREN KILLED More than two dozen countries have be…

Government Spying

…ath. At least in the Communist countries it’s common knowledge but the USA by doing the exact same things the other governments do except try to lie about it to assuage peoples concerns. I’m sure most Americans disapprove of this new system but it is sad that others will defend the practice of their own privacy being invaded. These are the people who will later on wonder how in the hell they gave away their own privacy by not speaking up and tryin…