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Why is Everyone So Offended?

…9/Teachers-drop-Holocaust-avoid-offending-Muslims.html 3.http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8591331.stm 4.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/religion/7668448/Christian-preacher-arrested-for-saying-homosexuality-is-a-sin.html 5. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/atkinson-takes-fight-with-religious-hatred-bill-to-parliament-679152.html 6 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3948329.stm Share this: Twitter Reddit…

Categorized as World

Where White Man Went Wrong

…nd from one who truly tried to understand new and unique cultures. 1. Main website – http://www.georgecatlin.org/ 2. Wikipedia – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Catlin 3. George Catlin Papers – These papers have been made into a book and can be found for free on the internet if one is willing to look hard enough.  I found my free copies using the Stanza app on the Iphone. http://www.aaa.si.edu/collectionsonline/catlgeor/ Also, a wonderful maga…

Interconnection – Muslims, Mexicans, California and Conquistadors

…notice that many of the migrants are of a darker color and more likely to come in search of work.  Yet, there are white Mexicans if you take a look at their society.  The societal breakdown in Mexico is worth a post *hint hint.* “In addition, the Mexican population consists approximately of 60% Mestizo (mixed indigenous-Spanish), 30% indigenous, 9% white, and 1% other. There is a definite racial hierarchy in Mexico that is easily observed, but se…

E-mail from Jackie Speier

…slation – the Essential Worker Pandemic Compensation Act – to provide a tax-free $370,376 payment and educational benefits for the family of an essential worker who dies due to injuries sustained in the line of duty. Our nation has a special obligation to individuals and families who have paid the ultimate price while doing work that enables the Americans to survive this pandemic.  We can further rebuild our economy through robust financial aid to…

Smart Consumer USA – Global Citizen

…w much cell phones cost here in the USA.  Sooooo, what to do about it? a.  Company discount Most cell phone companies have thousands of deals with major companies and institutions.  All you have to do is ask and that could garner you a 10% – 25% discount off your annual bill.  If your company does not have a deal you are not out of luck.  These stores are staffed with teenagers who might be willing to work with you.  When I first decided to switch…